IEM's International Institute Of Hotel Management

IEM's International Institute Of Hotel Management (IIIHM)

University of Engineering & Management

Chancellor's Desk

Message from the Chancellor

Dear Scholars,

Step into the esteemed halls of the IEM’s International Institute of Hotel Management (IIIHM) under University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Kolkata, where an extraordinary voyage awaits for you. Prepare for an experience that transcends the ordinary.

At IIIHM, we pledge an unwavering commitment to deliver superlative education in Hotel and Hospitality Management. Our curriculum, meticulously crafted, aims to furnish you with the indispensable knowledge and skills essential for thriving in the ever-evolving realm of this industry. From theoretical groundwork to hands-on application, our comprehensive training regimen is tailored to prepare you for the myriad challenges and boundless opportunities that await your conquest.

Your journey at IIIHM is not merely academic; it’s a tapestry woven with enriching experiences and fulfilling encounters. Our avant-garde facilities stand as bastions of excellence, ensuring your access to premier resources for both scholastic pursuits and personal development. Be it immersing yourself in culinary arts, engaging in workshops, or delving into our cutting-edge aviation laboratory, our campus resonates with the vibrancy of endless possibilities.

Furthermore, our unwavering commitment to your success extends beyond the classroom. With a steadfast focus on placements, we forge robust ties with industry leaders and boast a dedicated placement cell tirelessly endeavouring to secure lucrative opportunities for our esteemed students. As you tread towards graduation, be assured that you shall emerge equipped with the acumen and prowess to carve a triumphant path in the realms of Hospitality, Aviation, Tourism, and Retail sectors.

Embrace this odyssey with fervor and dedication, for your sojourn at IIIHM shall not only sculpt your professional trajectory but also etch indelible memories destined to endure a lifetime.

Warm regards,

Dr. Satyajit Chakrabarty


IEM’s International Institute of Hotel Management (IIIHM)

University of Engineering and Management

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